Basic Life Support Awareness in Pakistan: Still in Embryonic Phase
Objectives: To gauge/evaluate the knowledge and skill of BLS trained and untrained teaching faculty members at postgraduate tertiary care training institute
Materials and Methods: A prevalidated questionnaire comprising of 44 questions was distributed among teaching faculty of three big tertiary care, post-graduate institutes. The questions were focused on evaluating the knowledge and awareness of the participants. Total number of the participants was 345
Statistical Analysis: Data was entered and analyzed by using SPSS (version 23.0).
Results: The mean knowledge score related to basic life support was 4.57±1.81 out of total 12 points and the mean score for level of awareness regarding BLS was 34.5 %. Moreover, only 28.15% were aware of the current AHA guidelines
Conclusion: The low level of knowledge and awareness regarding BLS in the health care workers depicts that regular BLS hands-on- workshops should be conducted and should be a part of mandatory training.
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